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Support to municipalities in implementing and evaluating long-term energy efficiency and climate protection measures.

Support to municipalities in implementing and evaluating long-term energy efficiency and climate protection measures.
The e5-Programm for energy-conscious and climate-friendly municipalities is the top programme for municipalities in Austria. It is supported by the states and/or their energy agencies.
In Lower Austria, the Energy and Environment Agency of Lower Austria takes on this task. The programme stands for the successful, comprehensive and consistent implementation of energy and climate protection measures on a municipal level.
Based on an annual internal audit, the municipalities subject themselves to assessment by an independent commission once every three years. Depending on the degree of implementation of the measures they can take, the municipalities are awarded one to five "Es".

The project is sponsored by the European Regional Development Fund. For more information on IWB/EFRE, please visit www.efre.gv.at.