Energieberatung NÖ – Energy Consulting Lower Austria
Consulting services for citizens and municipalities regarding the efficient use of energy in new and renovated buildings.
Energieberatung NÖ has been offering company- and product-neutral consulting on behalf of the "Environmental and Energy Economics" department of the Lower Austrian State Government since 2005.
There is a network of 80 consultants available, providing assistance for all matters concerning the construction of new buildings, the thermal rehabilitation of existing buildings, heating systems, the use of renewable energy and energy conservation in general.
The hotline 02742 22 144 serves as the first contact point, a personal consultation is arranged if needed. Energieberatung NÖ participates in major building fairs in Lower Austria and Vienna, is represented with information booths at events and during consultant days and offers many publications for free download.
This initiative has been funded with support from the state of Lower Austria. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the state of Lower Austria cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.